Holy Avtar Vani - Shabad No. 374
Pooran kaamal satgur so jo pandhiarhan jo pandh kate;
Pooran kaamal satgur so jo taalab ji takdeer pate.
Pooran kaamal satgur so jo janam janam ja mete paap;
Pooran kaamal satgur so jo door kare sabh dukh santaap.
Haadeea jaihrho har dil haami ko na labhe ke khair khuvaah;
Dhak parhdo avtar chahve deh sabhnan khe guru poosht panaah.
This verse describes the qualities of the True Master. A true master is the one, who ends the journey of the seeker. Who changes the faith of the seeker. Who erases all the sins of the past life. Who removes all pain and sufferings of the seeker. The true master is the one in whom all hearts find peace and happiness. Here Baba Avtar Singh ji says, He (True Master) hides all the mistakes of the seeker and shelters him.